Sneaking Down to the Shanty of My Soul

Sneaking down to the Shanty of my Soul,

That casual shack with an “I forget the number” phone

(Where is it, anyway?)

Now that I’m here I realize I’ve must have spent a lot of time here

Because there’s no scenery outside

So much for the rich verdant landscapes of a productive life

At least it doesn’t look burned down

Or paved over.

Can you imagine looking out your own Soul Shanty window and seeing

a parking lot!?

Maybe that’s when you take a rifle up to the town square tower

Of your soul to set things right

I suppose you could change your scenery with some serious effort.

A lot of people just put pictures over their windows

Or those all talk - no action types discover their soul scenery is just a bunch of painted panels.

My sympathies to those who look out and it’s always raining

At least it’s not lightening or wolves.

Or people being mugged

Anyway, how’ yours?